upcoming events

upcoming events


  • "I have never thought of painting a picture by myself. After attending the art workshop session, I left with an art piece of my own creation. Instructors were very helpful and inspiring, tending to details and individuals' differences. A surreal experience!"

    — Connie L. Workshop Attendee

    “I have never thought of painting a picture by myself. After attneding

  • "Pastries Impasto painting workshop 的idea很新鮮,可以融入畫畫及裝飾甜品方法,全新的畫畫體驗。 亦有介紹畫師、背景及其風格,可認識更多。 亦提供cookie、飲品,整個環境氛圍很切合主題。 老師們一步步介紹及示範,可令我們想畫的甜品慢慢呈現在畫板上,很有成就感。 發覺想學習畫畫🎨,未知會否有畫班? 期待下一次Artisanu的workshop。"

    — Elsa. Workshop Attendee

  • "Attended acrylic painting class by ArtisanU and had a great time. Experienced and fun teachers who taught us practical painting techniques and provided direct advice based on your progress. Equipments and brushes are new which made the experience even greater!"

    — Kate Y. Workshop Attendee

  • "導師好有愛心,又可以聽下一d畫既簡介,又可以創造自己既畫作,係整個活動過程覺得好relax又開心,值得推介俾小朋友既活動👍"

    — Amy. Parent and Workshop Attendee

  • "First time experiencing the acrylic painting with guidance and useful techniques through art workshop. Also, having surreal/dreamy painting to project our own thought. Great!

    — Dennis L. Workshop Attendee

  • "Eunice, your classes are always engaging, extremely well organized, and presented in a manner that makes art so fun and enjoyable. You are such an amazing, patient, and caring teacher to my children. You got my vote!"

    — Maggie Parent of Student

  • "Not only is Eunice a regular at our design-oriented cowork space, she has also offered to help Wanderloft create marketing content for our social media platforms. She is a great joy to work with and is constantly overflowing with ideas. I look forward to her creative endeavours and highly recommend her artistry, knowledge and execution."

    — CEO of Wanderloft

  • "Sasha designed the album artwork for our music. Our band is made up of different personalities, yet music brings us together. Sasha was able to draw from our complexity and ambiguity, and made us distinctive with every stroke of the paintbrush. She's like our fifth member!"

    — Aaryn Frontman of Charmingway


Feel free to reach out to us with any questions and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours!

Email: contact@theartisanu.com
Whatsapp (message only): (+852) 5113 0221