Here are 10 Great Creative Careers for Extroverts

Check out our creative career guide for extroverts

Have you ever wondered what the best creative careers for extroverts are? Perhaps you are a creative extrovert, or you know someone who may be one.

There are certain perceptions about how artists should be, or what creative careers can look like. Nowadays, the job market values transferable skills, as well as creativity. There is a stronger emphasis on interdisciplinary practices, which is being reflected not only in job descriptions but also in the way art programs are designed at the tertiary level. Technology is also contributing to a wider range of options. Creatives are in demand across different industries and must be adaptive, specialized, and collaborative. This is great news for extroverts, as they gravitate towards interacting with people. 

In this article, we will be exploring the best creative careers for those with extroverted personalities. We will be using the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI) personality framework as a reference. This by no means represents professional career counseling, but rather is a guide on which personalities may thrive in certain fields.

There are 16 MBTI personality types, each with four letters.

Here is a basic summary of the framework which includes your preferences in four areas: 

  • Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I) - Your response to your surroundings

  • Sensing (S) or Intuition (N) -  Your interaction and processing of information

  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) - Your inclinations for decision-making and emotions 

  • Judging (J) or Perceiving (P) - Your approach toward new ideas, work, and planning

If you do not know which four letters you have, you can take this personality assessment here:

(NERIS Type Explorer is a free assessment that combines the framework of MBTI along with principles of the 5 Personalities framework. We personally enjoy taking this assessment and feel it is quite reflective.)

Do not box yourself in though, as personalities and MBTI are just a reference and point of discussion. Even extraversion and introversion are on a spectrum with each person being different. Every individual can bring something unique to the table with their own strengths. (Introverts can also excel in these jobs) 

As a creative extrovert, working in a job that allows you to express yourself creatively while working with people can contribute to a sense of fulfillment. This is why we believe the following jobs are worth exploring! 

Top 10 Creative Careers for Extroverts

1. Arts Administrator

Job Description: 

Arts administrators are in charge of organizing events, exhibitions, and daily functions at museums, galleries, or organizations. The job is often related to developing arts culture and communities, whether it be private or governmental organizations. This job would suit extroverts who are highly organized, assertive, and detail-oriented. You would have the opportunity to work with curators, teams, artists, and communities.

Arts Administrator is most suitable for 

  • Extroverts who enjoy a high level of organization and project-based tasks, including event planning or even fundraising

  • Confident individuals who feel comfortable with meeting different stakeholders (community, artists, sponsors) 

  • Detail-oriented people who enjoy carrying out administrative tasks

  • Those who prefer routine and mostly stable work hours(discounting special events)

Suggested MBTI Types: ESTJ, ENTJ, ENTP, ESTP

2. Creative Director

Job Description: 

Creative directors oversee the big picture for creative projects, leading teams, and meeting clients. They can be found in the film, publishing, or design industries. This is a supervisory type of role that requires leadership and experience, as you need to manage teams to carry out projects. The nature of the job requires a balance of conceptual thinking and creative problem-solving skills. Prior to this role, it is ideal to have experience working in some type of art or design industry. (graphic design, visual arts-related, animation) You are the creative visionary for business projects. (They may have overlapping roles with an art director, who focuses on visual elements and execution of technical skills)

Creative Direction is most suitable for 

  • Extroverts who are strong in conceptual thinking that enables them to come up with creative concepts for projects and follow projects till the end

  • Those who are able to see things from a big-picture perspective but also have an eye for details

  • Confident individuals who feel comfortable with sharing their own ideas and can take a high level of stress

  • Adaptable and great listeners willing to understand clients' and teams' needs

  • Creatives with the ability to give constructive critique and feedback to keep a project on track

  • Those with experience in practicing a form of art or design and adaptable to different projects

Suggested MBTI Types: ENTJ, ENFP, ESTP, ENTP

3. Film Production Designer

Job Description: 

As a film production designer, you are in charge of developing the aesthetics of the film. You will work closely with the film director and art director, as well as the production team. The conceptual aspect of this role requires you to design the overall look of the film and scenes. To carry out the concepts, part of your role is to scout and secure venues, so it is a job that requires traveling to different locations. This job is great for creatives who love to explore and design an environment for films. You need to communicate with vendors and also make sure each location is ready for shooting. Films are large-scale projects, so being a team player is essential.

Film Production Designer is most suitable for 

  • Extroverts who enjoy audio-visual art forms, whether it be movies/short films.  

  • Those who enjoy being more hands-on, working with technical equipment and venues.

  • Assertive individuals who are willing to put in the work to source and organize materials.

  • Extroverts who are articulate, enjoy communicating and teamwork.

  • Those interested in using research and design skills to create a fitting aesthetic for film productions.

Suggested MBTI Types: ENTP, ENFJ, ENTJ, ESTP

4. Digital Content Creator

Job Description: 

As a digital content creator, you will design digital content for a brand or institute's website and social media platforms, to grow their business. Content creation is not a new field, but it is developing rapidly with social media in the digital age. It is higher in demand as more companies find themselves adapting to consumers' needs. This job requires you to create content and also share it with others. If you enjoy storytelling, persuasion, and community building, content creation is for you! This job does require lots of screen time and an interest in online platforms and is all about communication and marketing.

Extroverts who love to express thoughts and ideas will highly enjoy this path. You will need to build technical knowledge about applications or software, as well as editing skills. This requires a combination of using copywriting, filming, editing, and graphic design skills. Understanding basic SEO (search engine optimization) is very important to bring traffic to the content too. You may be required to juggle several channels such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and content on a website.

Content Creator is most suitable for 

  • Individuals interested in working in a field that requires technical skills and creativity

  • Those who are expressive and enjoy communication, whether it be storytelling, persuasion, and community building

  • Creatives who can handle lots of screen time and are passionate about different media (audio, visual, blogging, editing social media)

  • Extroverts who are interested in coming up with concepts to develop marketing and branding

  • Those who do not mind having an unpredictable schedule (will depend on the business’ schedule) as the content may need to be produced quickly to meet deadlines

Suggested MBTI Types: ESFP, ESFJ, ESTP, ENFP

5. Museum Educator

Job Description: 

As a museum educator, you would be working with schools, communities, and fellow museum administrators to deliver educational experiences for visitors. You may plan programs and events for communities. You will also design curriculum content and impart knowledge. This job is great for those who may not enjoy the more administrative side of working at a museum and prefer a higher level of interaction with others. (unlike museum curators and arts administrators.) You will need to give presentations, speak publicly, and provide context to the exhibitions. 

Museum Educator is most suitable for 

  • Extroverts who enjoy public speaking, presenting, and social interactions 

  • Those who love designing educational content or imparting knowledge, but dislike academic assessments(what you would have to handle in schools)

  • Artists who have knowledge of art history and the museum setting (slightly more formal environment)

  • Patient individuals who do not mind repeating information to visitors

  • Those who are interested in promoting arts to their local communities

Suggested MBTI Types: ENFJ, ESFJ, ESTP, ESFP

6. UX Designer (User Experience)

Job Description: 

As a UX designer, you would be working within the technology industry to create digital experiences for users. It is a collaborative job in which you work with computer engineers, technology experts, and UI designers. Empathy is a key skill required for this job, as an ability to analyze concepts. Being a UX designer means using your creativity on a daily basis, as you need to be able to visualize the flow of an app. You can come up with user personas and socialize by interviewing real customers. This job is great for those who enjoy researching, interviewing people, and coming up with solutions. To thrive in this design job, you also need to be willing to take constructive feedback and refine your ideas.

UX Designer is most suitable for:

  • Those who are interested in technology and the design of applications, and are willing to endure long periods of screen time. (heavy coding is not needed but may be beneficial to understand the language)

  • Creatives who prefer design rather than visual arts, and prefer the ‘big picture’ (as opposed to UI designers, who focus more on the details and graphics)

  • Extroverts who enjoy working in team settings and interviewing people

  • People who have strong problem-solving skills, willing to come up with refined solutions to help others, and are investigative and curious

Suggested MBTI Types: ENTP, ENFP, ENFJ, ESTP

7. Creative Entrepreneur

Job Description: 

As a creative entrepreneur, you will have to wear different hats. As an extrovert, we suggest working with a business partner or team instead of working on your own. Teamwork will allow you to bounce ideas off each other and allow you to have more chances to socialize.  You will have to juggle branding, design, marketing, customer service, product development, and creative direction in the beginning stages. If you are starting your own business, all the responsibilities will be on you until you have money to start outsourcing. The product will affect the nature of your job, so you will have to consider whether it is a more service-oriented or product-oriented business. Extroverts tend to do great with service-oriented businesses, as you can interact with your customers on a more personal level. For example, you might provide photography or videography services, or provide private art instruction for students.

Creative Entrepreneur is most suitable for:

  • Those who are self-disciplined and self-motivated, willing to hustle and try a wide range of skills

  • Creatives who do not mind an unpredictable schedule and working for themselves (if you prefer predictability, you will have to create a structure for yourself)

  • Those who do not mind working in solitude  (you very likely may be at the start). It is ideal for extroverts to work with a partner or team.  If you do not have a partner, collaboration with other brands may help

  • Extroverts who are skilled with persuasion to sell and strong interpersonal skills to handle customer service

  • Creatives who enjoy designing their own product or providing services


8. Art Therapist

 Job Description: 

As an art therapist, you would be combining the skills of therapist and artist. You may have your private practice, work in a community institute, or have health facilities. This job is great for extroverts who are compassionate about others’ well-being. Depending on your training, you would be providing therapy for your patient’s emotional or physical health. Those who pursue this path should believe in using the creative process to help people process their thoughts and feelings. Putting the client or patient first is important, so you should be skilled at listening and patience. Therefore, this is a great option for extroverts who prefer less talking. The nature of this job also relates to psychology and health.

Art Therapist is most suitable for:

  • Extroverts who are calm, caring, and trustworthy, with the ability to listen actively.

  • Those with strong observational and communication skills

  • Creatives who are passionate about serving those with emotional & physical health conditions

  • Those who are interested in the fields of art, psychology, and healthcare

  • People who are interested in learning academic theories and practice about how art can help people

Suggested MBTI Types: ENFJ, ENFJ, ESFJ, ESFP

9. Art Journalist & Art Critic

Job Description: 

As an art journalist, you will be writing content related to the art world or art history. You will either work as a freelancer or in-house. There are different types of art journalists, whether it’s for a magazine, journal, brand, or institute. If you are an art journalist focused on visual arts, you could write about art exhibitions, events, art history, or artwork. Other topics include art education, design, music, film, theater, and art culture. Art journalism may involve the practice of art criticism. (Art critics focus on the analysis and critique of artwork.)

This creative career requires you to research and stay updated on the latest information. This makes it suitable for extroverts who do not mind traveling to different locations and meeting people. Whether you are meeting someone to interview them or joining events such as the Art Basel, this is a dynamic job that will keep you on your feet. Locations you may visit for work include galleries, art exhibitions, or company offices.

Art Journalist is most suitable for:

  • Creatives who have skills in writing and communications, as well as knowledge and interest in artistic fields

  • Detail-oriented creatives who have patience in refining their writing and the ability to take critique during the editing process

  • Extroverts who enjoy a high level of social interactions and aren’t afraid to go out,  whether it’s through meeting new people, joining events, and interviewing others

  • Those who do not mind unpredictable schedules and are able to manage high stress and meet deadlines (interviewing, publishing schedules)

Suggested Extrovert MBTIs:  ENTP, ENFJ, ENFP, ESFP

10. Art Educator

Job Description:

Working in art education means you are teaching students about the subject of art in an academic setting. Your role as a teacher is to inspire and mentor students to grow in their learning. Different age groups require different skills, but teamwork is essential for communicating with students, leadership, and colleagues. This job is great for extroverts who are people-oriented and love forming relationships. You will have to interact with students who come in and out of your classroom. In order to be an art teacher, you need to be passionate and knowledgeable about the subject you are teaching. You should also have the technical skills to demonstrate your knowledge. Those who enjoy a stable income will also appreciate the consistent paycheck teaching provides. Lastly, patience and the ability to assert authority are required to develop strong classroom management.

Art Education is suitable for: 

  • Extroverts who enjoy high levels of daily social interaction(schools are loud and bustling!) and enjoy teamwork

  • Creatives who feel passionate and are skilled in visual arts (subjects include: 2D/3D/Art history)

  • Organized individuals who have the ability to juggle multiple tasks such as assessments, design curriculum materials to match educational standards, and follow school schedules

  • Those who prefer working in a creative field with routines, hierarchy, and stability, as opposed to freelance 

  • Those with an ability to adapt to different scenarios quickly, whether it be in the classroom or suddenly switching to online teaching

  • Responsible individuals who are able to build rapport with students and parents and enjoy caring for and serving others

Suggested Extrovert MBTIs:  ENFJ, ENFP, ESFJ, ESFP

There is a wide range of creative careers for extroverts.

There is a wide range of creative careers, so take time to explore the different options. Being a creative professional is not just for a selected few. With careful planning and training, you can find your suitable path!

When career searching, there is no absolute answer. It is a balance between understanding your personality, preferences, values,  training, and background. You can always grow and pick up new transferable skills. Spend time talking with people who are already in the field, chances are they are very willing to share their experiences with you! If you are already an extrovert, talking to others may not be too difficult for you. If anything, your personality will be a huge advantage in this field, as you can make authentic connections with others and find exciting opportunities. With courage, boldness, and perseverance, you will succeed in your creative career. Wishing you the best in your endeavors!

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Sasha Cheung

Eunice H. Lee


Here are 10 Great Creative Careers for Introverts


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